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You are here: Home / PDFs Open Access / 2019 / Di Celma et al_2019_Allostratigraphy and paleontology of the lower Miocene Chilcatay Formation in the Zamaca area.pdf

Di Celma et al_2019_Allostratigraphy and paleontology of the lower Miocene Chilcatay Formation in the Zamaca area.pdf

Di Celma C., Pierantoni P. P., Malinverno E., Collareta A., Lambert O., Landini W., Bosio G., Gariboldi K., Gioncada A., de Muizon C., Molli G., Marx F., Varas-Malca R., Urbina M. & Bianucci G., 2019. Allostratigraphy and paleontology of the lower Miocene Chilcatay Formation in the Zamaca area, East Pisco basin, southern Peru Journal of Maps, 15(2):393-405.
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