Smitz - 2019 - 91 - New native Culicidae - 26th BCZ - 2019 - abstracts.pdf
Smitz N., De Wolf K., Deblauwe I., Verlé I., Schneider A., Vanslembrouck A., De Witte J., Dekoninck W., Meganck K., Gombeer S., Vanderheyden A., De Meyer M., Backeljau T. & Van Bortel W., 2019. New native Culicidae species records to Belgium validated using DNA-based techniques In: International Conference on Learning and Memory in the Animal Kingdom - Zoology 2019 & NVG - Program and Abstracts, pp. 91.
Smitz - 2019 - 91 - New native Culicidae - 26th BCZ - 2019 - abstracts.pdf
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