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You are here: Home / PDFs on demand / Bibliographical References of PDFs on demand / Environmental process descriptors for TNT, TNT-related compounds and picric acid in marine sediment slurries

Sally Yost, Judith Pennington, James Brannon and Charolett Hayes (2007)

Environmental process descriptors for TNT, TNT-related compounds and picric acid in marine sediment slurries

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(8):1262-1266.

Process descriptors were determined for picric acid, TNT, and the TNT-related compounds 2,4DNT, 2,6DNT, 2ADNT, 4ADNT, 2,4DANT, 2,6DANT, TNB and DNB in marine sediment slurries. Three marine sediments of various physical characteristics (particle size ranging from 15 to 90\% fines and total organic carbon ranging from 0. 10 to 3.60\%) were kept in suspension with 20 ppt saline water. Concentrations of TNT and its related compounds decreased immediately upon contact with the marine sediment slurries, with aqueous concentrations slowly declining throughout the remaining test period. Sediment-water partition coefficients could not be determined for these compounds since solution phase concentrations were unstable. Kinetic rates and half-lives were influenced by the sediment properties, with the finer grained, higher organic carbon sediment being the most reactive. Aqueous concentrations of picric acid were very stable, demonstrating little partitioning to the sediments. Degradation to picramic acid was minimal, exhibiting concentrations at or just above the detection limit. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

tnt, rainbow-trout, fate, salmo-gairdneri, kinetics, picric acid, binding, crassostrea-virginica, 6-trinitrotoluene, water, reduction, 2, 4, sorption, toxicity, marine, explosives
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