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You are here: Home / PDFs on demand / Bibliographical References of PDFs on demand / Determination of chlorophyll in marine waters: intercomparison of a rapid HPLC method with full HPLC, spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods

A. Murray, C. Gibbs, A. Longmore and D. Flett (1986)

Determination of chlorophyll in marine waters: intercomparison of a rapid HPLC method with full HPLC, spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods

Marine Chemistry, 19(3):211-227.

A statistical comparison was made between chlorophyll measurements made on a suite of marine samples by four methods. The methods were one complete and one rapid high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method, a fluorometric method and the traditional spectrophotometric method. Generally good agreement was found, provided that consideration was given to the presence of chlorophyllide a and allomers of chlorophyll a as determined by the HPLC methods. The rapid HPLC method (10 min per sample) is recommended as a convenient and accurate alternative to traditional methods for chlorophylls.

Botany, Marine water, Samples, chlorophylls
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