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You are here: Home / PDFs on demand / Bibliographical References of PDFs on demand / Bioconcentration Factors and Lipid Solubility

S. Banerjee and Gl Baughman (1991)

Bioconcentration Factors and Lipid Solubility

Environmental Science & Technology, 25(3):536-539.

The log-log relationship between bioconcentration and hydrophobicity breaks down for several medium and high molecular weight solutes that bioconcentrate either to a small extent or not at all. Much of the failure is attributed to the relatively low solubility of these compounds in lipid. Inclusion of a term in octanol solubility (in place of lipid solubility, which is generally unavailable) considerably improves the quality of the relationship (r = 0.95). It is speculated that the octanol solubility term compensates for the relatively low solubility of large compounds in lipid.

water partition-coefficient, fish, bioavailability, octanol, chemicals, organic-matter, elimination, bioaccumulation, accumulation, aqueous solubility
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