New publications in the reading room XXIX
* Aquariumwereld (P6317)
* Aves y naturaleza (P7288) !!OPEN ACESS!!
nr. 32 (2020)
* Découverte (P5736)
* Entomologia africana (PE42482)
* Ex situ (P7292)
* Freshwater Biology (P5852)
* Géochronique (P6181)
* Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico (The) (P7227)
* Journal of Quaternary Science (PG30947)
* Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK(P4334)
* Lettre de l'OCIM (La) (PS5942)
* Marine Ecology Progress Series (P6119)
vol. 651 - 653 - 654 (2020)
* Meta (P7003)
* Mollusc World (P7136)
iss. 53 (2020) - contents not available
* Nature (P1158)
* Science (P4721)
vol. 370 nr. 6516 - 6517 (2020)
* Soil Organisms (P2976)
* Vogelwelt (Die) (P1611)