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New publications in the reading room XVI

Week 14.09-18.09.2020 / Reservations can be made via / Please note that publications can not leave the RBINS.

* Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz (P2048)
Jahrbuch 2019

* Anthropologischer Anzeiger (P3256)
Vol.77(3), 2020

* Atti e Memorie dell'accademia Galileiana di Scienze Lettere ed Arti in Padova (P3635)
Vol. 130, part 3 (2018-2019)

* Aqua (PR193)

* Bonn Zoological Bulletin (P1597)
Vol. 69(1), 2020

* Bulletin du Cercle des Lépidoptéristes de Belgique (PE22527)
Vol. 49(3), 2020

* De Vlaamse Jager (PR55)
April 2020

* Entomologische Berichten
80(4), 2020

* Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science (P5952)
Vol.238 & 239, 2020

* Geological Bulletin of Turkey (P2890)
Vol. 63(3), 2020

* Het Vogeljaar (P3745)
Vol. 68(2), 2020

* Noticiario de la Sociedad Epagnola de Malacologia (P7381)
Vol. 73 (2020)

* Jaarverslag Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen (P6601)

* Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde (P1373)
Vol.140 (2019)

* Journal of Quaternary Sciences (PG30947)
Vol. 35 (4)

* Journal of Zoology (P4408)
Vol. 311(3), 2020

* Proceedings of the Royal Society B (P4402)
Vol. 287, iss.1930

* Quaternary Research (P5983)
Vol. 96, 2020

* Rapport Annuel Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique (P6637)

* Records of the Western Australian Museum (P2137)
Vol. 34(1)&(2), 2019

* Spirifer (P5834)
Vol.2, 2020

* Systematics and Biodiversity (P7141)
Vol. 18(1-4), 2020





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