New publications in the reading room XLIII
* Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Trieste (P4451)
* Clays and Clay Minerals (PG24503)
* Crustaceana (P3101)
vol. 93, pt. 3-5 (2020) - Special Issue: Proceedings of the Eurytemora conference, St. Petersburg, 2019
vol. 93, pt. 6, pt. 7, pt. 8, pt 9-10 (2020)
vol. 93, pt. 11-12 (2020) - Special Issue: Prof. Ruiyu Liu Memorial Issue
* Entomologische Berichten (PE8844)
vol. 81, nr. 2 (2021) - contents not available
* Geonieuws (PS5478)
* Journal of Yamashina Institute for Ornithology (P2995)
* Journal of Zoology (P4408)
* Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv (P6094)
Bd. 57 (2020) - contents not available
* Le Monde des oiseaux (P1117)
an.76, nr. 849 (2021) - contents not available
* Natura (P1047)
* Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie (P1363)
* Novapex (P7002)
HS. 14 (2021) - contents not available
* Quaternary Research (P5983)
* Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia (P6154)