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New publications in the reading room XIV

Week 31.08-04.09.2020 / Reservations can be made via / Please note that publications can not leave the RBINS.


* Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science (P5952)

vol. 236 (2020)


* Geodiversitas (P4230)

vol. 42,1-13 (2020)


* Invertebrate Systematics (P6412)

vol. 34, 3 & 4 (2020)


* Journal of Human Evolution (P5876)

vol. 138, 140 & 141 (2020)


* Journal of Zoology (P4408)

vol. 311,1 (2020)


* Mineralogisch Tijdschrift (PS5532)

jrg.51,4 (2020) - contents not available 


* Ornis (P6538)

vol.3 (2020)


* Plant Ecology and Evolution (P4036)

vol.153,2 (2020)


* Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological sciences (P4402)

vol. 287,1923 - 1925 - 1927 - 1928 - 1929 (2020)


* Quaternary Science Reviews (PG27860)

vol. 231, 232, 233  & 234 (2020)


* Science (P4721)

vol.369,6499 (2020)


* Soil organisms (P2976)

vol.91,3 (2019)


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