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New publications in the reading room X

Week 03.08-07.08.2020 / Reservations can be made via / Please note that publications can not leave the RBINS.



* Annalen van de Koninklijke Oudheidkundige Kring van het Land van Waas (P7245)

vol. 122 (2019) - contents not available 


* Aves, la revue du pôle ornithologique de Natagora  (P2540)

vol. 56,4 (2019) - contents not available 


* The Bulletin of the Hobetsu Museum (P6790)

vol. 35 (2020)


* Contrat de Rivière de la Vallée de la Haute-Meuse (P7036)

vol. 99 (2020) - contents not available 


* Current Anthropology (P382)

vol. 61,2 (2020)


* Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde (P2108)

vol. 49 (2019)


* Fossil imprint (P2305) (!!OPEN ACCESS!!)

vol. 75,1 / 2 / 3-4 (2019)


* Geology (P426)

vol. 48,5 (2020)


* Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan (PE38618)

vol. 29,1 (2020)


* Kagawa daigaku nôgakubu gakuzyutu hokoku = Technical bulletin of Faculty of agriculture. Kagawa University (P2067)

vol. 72 (2020)


* Natagora (P7168)

vol. 95-97 (2020) - contents not available 


* Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology an international journal for the geo-sciences (P2)

vol. 543 / 544 / 545 / 546 / 547 / 548 (2020)


* Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania (P692)

vol. 153 (2019) - contents not available 


* Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (P4508)

vol. 171,1 (2020)

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