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New publications in the reading room V

Week 22-26.06.2020 / Reservations can be made via / Please note that publications can not leave the RBINS.
Acta Microbiologica Sinica (P5273)
Aqua driemaandelijks informatieblad van Aquafin (PR193)
vol.1(2020) - contents not available 
Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise des Sciences Naturelles (P2193)
vol.139(2019) - contents not available (available until vol. 138/2018)
Chasse et nature (P4100)
vol.112,5(2020) - contents not available 
Dansk ornithologisk forenings tidsskrift (P174) 
De Vlaamse jager (PR55)
vol.2(2020) - contents not available 
vol.4(2020) - contents not available 
Egretta. Vogelkundliche Nachrichten Aus Österreich (P5361)
Faune Sauvage (P6114)
vol.325(2020) - contents not available (until vol.324/2019)
Geologija (P2383) !!OPEN ACCESS!!
Geology (P426)
Geonieuws (PS5478)
vol.45,4(2020) - contents not available 
vol.45,6(2020) - contents not available 
Journal of Archaeological Science (P287)
Journal of Quaternary Science (PG30947)
Journal of zoology (P4408)
vol.310,1(2020) - free access
Le monde des oiseaux (P1117)
vol.76, nr.839(2020) - contents not available 
META. Tijdschrift voor bibliotheek & archief (P7003)
Natur und Heimat (P3046)
vol.80,1(2020) - contents not available (until 2019)
Ornithological Science (P7121)
Paleontological Research (P6902)
vol.24,1(2020) - contents not available (Online early : open access)
Panda magazine (PS6109)
vol.91(2019-2020) - contents not available 
Patrimoines naturels (C34909)
Plant ecology and evolution (P4036)
Spirifer. Blad van de Belgische Vereninging voor Paleontologie (PS5834)
vol.43,4(2019) - contents not available
vol.44,1(2020) - contents not available 
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