New publications in the reading room LXXVIII
* Andansonia (P4230)
* Aquariumwereld (P6317)
* Biological Conservation (P5634)
* Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History (P5001)
* Crustaceana (P3101)
* Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science (P5952)
* Geology (P426)
* Journal of Archaeological Science (P287)
* Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology (P3256)
* Journal of Mammalogy (P4963)
* Limburgs Landschap Magazine (PR340)
jrg. 51, no. 1 (2022)
* Marine Ecology Progress Series (P6119)
* Le Monde des Oiseaux (P1117)
année 77, no. 860 (2022)
* Nature (P1158)
vol. 601, no. 7891 & 7892 (2022)
* Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie (P1363)
* Quaderni del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara (P7347)
* Quaternary Research (P5983)
* Quaternary Science Reviews (PG27860)
* Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia (P6154)
* Science (P4721)
vol. 375, no. 6579 & 6580 (2022)
* Spixiana (P4787)
* Systematics and Biodiversity (P7141)
* WWF Magazine (PS6109)
no. 99 (2021-2022)