New publications in the reading room LVIII
* Atti della accademia ligure di scienze e lettere. Serie 7 (P2743)
* Bulletin of Geosciences (PG15802)
Vol.94, nr.1 (2019) ; vol.94, nr.2 (2019) ; vol.94, nr.3 (2019) ; vol.94, nr.4 (2019) ; vol.95, nr.1 (2020) ; vol.95, nr.2 (2020) ; vol.95, nr.3 (2020) ; vol.95, nr.4 (2020) ; vol.96, nr.1 (2021) ; vol.96, nr.2 (2021)
* Bulletin of the national museum of nature and science. Series A : Zoology (P2939)
* Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series B : Botany (P2939)
Vol.46, nr.4 (2020) ; vol.47, nr.1 (2021)
* Bulletin of the national museum of nature and science. Series D anthropology (P2939)
Vol.46 (2020)
* De Vlaamse jager (PR55)
Vol.112, nr.6 (2021)
* Deep-Sea Research. Part 1 oceanographic Research Papers (P3102)
* Die Vogelwelt Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz (P1611)
* Journal of Quaternary Science (PG30947)
* Nature the international weekly journal of science (P1158)
Vol.594, nr.7864 (2021) ; vol.595, nr.7865 (2021) ; vol.595, nr.7866 (2021) ; vol.595, nr.7867 (2021) ; vol.595, nr.7868 (2021)
* Proceedings of the Royal society of London. Biological sciences (P4402)
* Quaternary Science Reviews (PG27860)
Vol.264 (2021) ; vol.265 (2021)
* Science (P4721)
Vol.372, nr.6547 (2021) ; vol.373, nr.6550 (2021) ; vol.373, nr.6551 (2021) ; vol.373, nr.6552 (2021) ; vol.373, nr.6553 (2021)