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New publications in the reading room LII

Week 21.06-25.06.2021 / Reservations can be made via / Please note that publications can not leave the RBINS.


* Aquariumwereld (P6317)

vol. 74, nr 5 & 6 (2021)


* Biological Conservation (P5634)

vol. 257 (2021)


* Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux (P5731)

t.156, nr. 49, fasc. 1 (2021)


* Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (P6116)

nr. 46 (2020) & 47 (2021)


* Current Anthropology (P382)

vol. 62, nr. 2 (2021)


* Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science (P5952)

vol. 244 (2020)


* Freshwater Biology (P5852)

vol. 66, nr. 5 (2021)


* Géochronique (P6181)

nr. 157 (2021)


* Geology (P426)

vol. 49, nr. 5 (2021)


* Geonieuws (PS5478)

vol. 46, nr. 5 (2021) - contents not available 


* Gloria Maris (P2719)

vol. 59, nr.4 (2020) & vol 60 nr. 1 (2021)


* International Journal of Osteoarchaeology (P6673)

vol. 31, nr. 2 (2021)


* Journal of Human Evolution (P5876)

vol. 148 & 149 (2021)


* Journal of Quaternary Science (PG30947)

vol. 36, iss. 3 (2021) - Special Issue: BRITICE-CHRONO reconstructions of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet 


* Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan (PE38618)

vol. 30, nr. 1 (2021)


* Marine Ecology Progress Series (P6119)

vol. 661 (2021)


* MO mondiaal magazine (PR418)

nr. 140 (2021)


* Le Monde des Oiseaux (P1117)

an 76, nr. 850 (2021) - contents not available 


* Nature (P1158)

vol. 593, nr. 7857 & 7858 (2021)


* Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie (P1363)

vol. 300 nr. 1 (2021)


* Oecologia (P2444)

vol. 195, nr. 3 (2021)


* Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology (P2)

vol. 572 (2021)


* Phegea (PE30193)

jrg. 49, nr. 2 (2021)


* Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences (P4402)

vol. 288 iss. 1947 (2021)


* Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory (P1716)

vol. 45 (2020) - contents not available 


* Quaternary Science Reviews (PG27860)

vol. 257 (2021)


* Science (P4721)

vol. 372 nr. 6539, nr. 6540, nr. 6541 (2021)


* Thuringer Faunistische abhandlungen (P6838)

Jahre 25 (2020) - contents not available 


* Ubaena (PE42515)

fasc. 28 (2021) - contents not available 


* De Vlaamse jager (PR55)

jrg. 112, nr. 5 (2021)

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