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New publications in the reading room LI

Week 14.06-18.06.2021 / Reservations can be made via / Please note that publications can not leave the RBINS.


* Bulletin des Séances de l’Académie royale des Sciences d'outre-mer (P4048)

vol. 65, nr. 1 (2019)


* Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History (P5001)

vol. 62, nr. 1 (2021)


* Les Chercheurs de la wallonie. Bulletin (P2035)

nr. 246 (2021)


* Cretaceous Research (P6122)

vol. 122 & 123 (2021)


* Crustaceana (P3101)

vol. 94, nr. 5 (2021)


* Entomologische Berichten (PE8844) 

vol. 81 , nr. 3 (2021) - contents not available 


* Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science (P5952)

vol. 254 (2021)


* Geodiversitas (P4230)

vol. 43, nr. 1-6 (2021)


* Imagine demain le monde (PR412)

nr. 144 (2021)


* Journal of Human Evolution (P5876)

vol. 147 & 146 (2021)


* Journal of Zoology (P4408)

vol. 313, nr. 4  & 314 nr. 1 (2021)


* La Lettre de l'OCIM (PS5942)

nr. 195 (2021)


* Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum (P7114)

nr. 19 (2020)


* Nature (P1158)

vol.592, iss. 7853 (2021)


* Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (P2)

vol. 571 (2021)


* Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (P1403)

vol. 100, nr.4 (2020)


* Picus (P6321)

an. 46, nr. 1 (2020) - contents not available 


* Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (P645)

vol. 133 (2020)


* Quaternary Science Reviews (PG27860)

vol. 259 (2021)


* Science (P4721)

vol. 370, nr. 6522 (2020)

vol. 371, nr. 6536 (2021)

vol. 372, nr. 6538 (2021)


* Zoosystema (P4230)

vol. 43, nr. 1-8 (2021)

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