New publications in the reading room IV
* Aquariumwereld [P6317]
* Biological conservation [P5634]
* Clays and Clay Minerals [PG25403]
vol. 67, nr. 5 & 6 (2019) - contents not available
* Cretaceous Research [P6122]
* Earth and Environmental Science [P1537]
vol. 110 pt. 3-4 (2019) - contents not available (current volumes)
* Ex Situ [P7292]
* Freshwater Biology [P5852]
vol. 65, nr. 1, nr. 2, nr. 3, nr. 4, nr. 5 (2020)
* Imagine demain le monde [PR412]
* Invertebrate Systematics [P6412]
* Journal of Archaeological science [P287]
* Journal of Molluscan Studies [P4386]
* MO mondial magazine [PR418]
* Oecologia [P2444]
* Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences [P4402]
* Quaternary Research[P5983]
* Science [P4721]
vol. 368, nr. 6487-6488-6489-6490-6491-6492 (2020)