New publications in the reading room III
* Acrocephalus [P6112] !!OPEN ACCESS!!
* Aquarium wereld [P6317]
* Athena [PG27983] !!OPEN ACCESS!!
vol. 346 (2020)
* Chasse & Nature [P4100]
vol. 112,3 (2020) - contents not available
* Cretaceous research [P6122]
* Deep-sea research, part I [P3102]
* Entomologische berichten [PE8844]
vol. 80,2 (2020) - contents not available
* FNRS news [P6562]
* Geology [P426]
* Geonieuws [PS5478]
vol. 45,3 (2020) - contents not available (until 2014 open access)
* Journal of Human Evolution [P5876]
* Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology [P2995]
* Limburgs Landschap Magazine
vol. 1 (2020) - contents not available
* Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum
vol. 18 (2019) - contents not available
* Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Nature [P1057]
vol. 61 (2020) (from vol. 48, 2002-2003 available online)
* Meta [P7003]
* Mineralogisch Tijdschrift [PS5532]
vol. 51,2 (2020) - contents not available
* Le monde des oiseaux [P1117]
vol. 76,837 (2020) - contents not availbale
* Novapex [P7002]
* Phegea [PE30193]
* Quaternary Science Review [PG27860]
* Société Géologique du Nord. Annales [P4169]
vol. 26 (2e série) (2019) - contents not available
* Studii si Cercetari Stiintifice. Seria biologie [P6958]
vol. 28,1 & 2 (2019) - contents not available
* Vertebrate Zoology [P1407]