New publications in the reading room CXVII
Week 03/04 - 07/04/2023 Reservations can be made via / Please note that publications cannot leave the RBINS
* Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae (PG33283)
* Annales de la Société géologique du Nord (P4169)
* Espèces. Revue d’histoire naturelle (PR416)
* Imagine demain le monde (PR412)
* International Journal of Osteoarchaeology (P6673)
* Journal of Archaeological Science (P287)
* Journal of Quaternary Science (PG39047)
* MO. Mondiaal Magazine (PR418)
* Mollusc World (P7136)
* Nature (P1158)
vol. 614, iss. 7946-7948-7949 (2023)
* Oecologia (P2444)
* Science (P4721)