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New publications in the reading room

Week 25-29.05.2020 / Reservations can be made via / Please note that publications can not leave the RBINS.


In link : table of contents only! 

* Acta Palaeontologica Polonica [P3861] !!OPEN ACCESS!!
vol. 64, nr. 1-4 (2019)
* Baltic Journal of Coleopterology [PE41077] !!OPEN ACCESS!!
* Custaceana [P3101]
* Elytra [PE42503]
* Entomologia africana [PE42482]
* Geology [P426]
* Geonieuws [PS5478]
vol. 45, nr. 5 (2020) - contents not available
* International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [P6673]
Marine Ecology Progress series [P6119]
vol. 630 - 631632 (2019) 633 - 634 (2020)

* Nature [P1158]

vol.576 nr. 7786 (2019)

vol.578, nr. 7793-7794-7795-7796 (2020)

* Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie [P1363]
* Oecologia [P2444]
* Ornis Fennica [P199] !!OPEN ACCESS!! 
vol. 97, nr. 1 (2020)
* Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B : Biological sciences [P4402]
* Revue de Paléobiologie [P6392]
vol. 38, nr. 2 (2019) - contents not available 
* Sayabane [PE42301]
nr. 35 / nr. 36 (2019)
* Science [P4721]
* Slovak Geological Magazine [P6861]  !!OPEN ACCESS!!
vol. 17, nr. 2 (2017)
vol. 18, nr. 1-2 (2018) 
vol. 19, nr. 1-2 (2019) 
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