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Bibliographical References of PDFs on demand

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 117 references in this bibliography folder.

Bohn, T and Walczyk, T (2004).
Determination of chlorophyll in plant samples by liquid chromatography using zinc-phthalocyanine as an internal standard
Journal of Chromatography A, 1024(1-2):123-128.

Huckins, J, Prest, H, Petty, J, Lebo, J, Hodgins, M, Clark, R, Alvarez, D, Gala, W, Steen, A, Gale, R, and Ingersoll, C (2004).
Overview and comparison of lipid-containing semipermeable membrane devices and oysters (Crassostrea gigas) for assessing organic chemical exposure
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23(7):1617-1628.

Jeong, J and Choi, M (2004).
A bimodal moment model for the simulation of particle growth
Journal of Aerosol Science, 35(9):1071-1090.

Petridou, E, Kedikoglou, S, Belechri, M, Ntouvelis, E, Dessypris, N, and Trichopoulos, D (2004).
The mosaic of equestrian-related injuries in Greece
Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care, 56(3):643-647.

Jeong, J and Choi, M (2003).
A simple bimodal model for the evolution of non-spherical particles undergoing nucleation, coagulation and coalescence
Journal of Aerosol Science, 34(8):965-976.

Minchin, D and Gollasch, S (2003).
Fouling and ships' hulls: how changing circumstances and spawning events may result in the spread of exotic species
Biofouling, 19:111-122.

Pan, Y, Dong, P, and Chen, N (2003).
Non-Henry's Law behavior of REE partitioning between fluorapatite and CaF2-rich melts: Controls of intrinsic vacancies and implications for natural apatites
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(10):1889-1900.

Erickson, J and West, S (2002).
The influence of regional climate and nightly weather conditions on activity patterns of insectivorous bats
Acta Chiropterologica, 4(1):17-24.

Geertsema, H (2002).
An overview of the African flannel moths (Somabrachyidae) (Zygaenoidea : Lepidoptera), including their putative relationships
African Entomology, 10(2):285-295.

Manning, A and Dyer, K (2002).
The use of optics for the in situ determination of flocculated mud characteristics
Journal of Optics a-Pure and Applied Optics, 4(4):S71-S81.

Passow, U (2002).
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in aquatic environments
Progress in Oceanography, 55(3-4):287-333.

Geertsema, H (2001).
Studies on African zygaenoid moths (Lepidoptera : Zygaenoidea): adult morphology of Psycharium montanum (Somabrachyidae)
African Zoology, 36(2):153-161.

Passow, U, Shipe, R, Murray, A, Pak, D, Brzezinski, M, and Alldredge, A (2001).
The origin of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and their role in the sedimentation of particulate matter
Continental Shelf Research, 21(4):327-346.

Geertsema, H (2000).
Studies on African zygaenoid moths (Lepidoptera : Zygaenoidea): Parapsycharium n.gen. (Somabrachyidae) from the Western Cape province, South Africa
African Zoology, 35(2):251-259.

Bjork, M and Gilek, M (1999).
Efficiencies of polychlorinated biphenyl assimilation from water and algal food by the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis)
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18(4):765-771.

Chome, F and Nicolis, C (1999).
Limited area weather prediction models viewed as dynamical systems
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 9(5):831-842.

Cotter, K (1999).
Microfossils from Neoproterozoic Supersequence 1 of the Officer Basin, Western Australia
Alcheringa, 23(1-2):63-86.

Paerl, H and Whitall, D (1999).
Anthropogenically-derived atmospheric nitrogen deposition, marine eutrophication and harmful algal bloom expansion: Is there a link?
Ambio, 28(4):307-311.

de Vries, I, Duin, R, Peeters, J, Los, F, Bokhorst, M, and Laane, R (1998).
Patterns and trends in nutrients and phytoplankton in Dutch coastal waters: comparison of time-series analysis, ecological model simulation, and mesocosm experiments
Ices Journal of Marine Science, 55(4):620-634.

Pilipili, C, Goret-Nicaise, M, and Dhem, A (1998).
Microradiographic aspects of the growing mandibular body during permanent premolar eruption in the dog
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 106:429-436.

Audoin-Rouzeau, F (1997).
Les éléments nouveaux de l'élevage aux temps modernes
Cahiers d'histoire(42-3/4):481-509.

Ervynck, A, Gautier, A, and Van Neer, W (1997).
Import van schelpdieren en vis in een Romeinse nederzetting te Nevele

Jones, D and Pierpoint, C (1997).
Ecology and taxonomy of the genus Eurydice (Isopoda: Cirolanidae) from sand beaches on the Iberian Peninsula
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 77(1):55-76.

OConnor, T (1997).
Working at relationships: Another look at animal domestication
Antiquity, 71(271):149-156.

Pages, F (1997).
The gelatinous zooplankton in the pelagic system of the southern ocean: A review
Annales De L Institut Oceanographique, 73(2):139-158.

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